T & N Chicago
Your trust is most important to us

You require high quality, varied products, priced competitively so your business can thrive. That’s just what T & N offers! Through our extensive network of relationships, we’re able to offer a variety of economical products to meet your needs.

Industrial Equipment ▼
Lathe; Engine, Metal Turning
Metering Pumps (Proportioneer)
Parts, Ingersol-Rand Air Tools
Rotary Brush Attachment (Sweepster)
Target Arrow Signs (Visi-Flash)
Towing Tractor
Wire Containers (NashWire)
Ductile Iron Pipe
Plumbing & Heating Supplies ▼

Water Distribution

To serve municipal and county equipment and supply needs, T & N is an authorized distributor for ductile iron water pipe, fittings, restraining joints, transition couplings, repair clamps, pumps, valves and fire hydrants. Our Water Distribution Division has provided these products and more to the City of Chicago and surrounding municipalities for its water distribution and plant improvement programs. Construction contractors also depend on us to provide pipe, valves and fittings for their water main and sewage line expansion, repair and improvement projects.

Sigma Logo SIP Industries Logo U.S. Pipe Logo
Sanderson Pipe Coroporation Logo AAThread Logo Alma Engineering Logo JCM Industries Logo CP Test & Valvco Logo Valmatic Logo
Aqueous Film Forming Foam
Assembly, Fan Rotor
Copper, Pipe
Gaskets, Hydrant, Separable
Heating Controls, New & Rebuilt
Heaters, Immersion (Watlow)
Heater Parts (Foster Wheeler)
Filters, Heating & Ventilating (Continental)
Fittings, Miscellaneous Flanged & Joint
Kits, Radiator Valve
Nozzles & Wye Gates
Meters, Coldwater
Parts, Heating Incinerator
Parts, Simplex Controller
Pipe, Ductile Iron
Pumps, Dewatering (Gorman Rupp)
Stops, Corporation
Radiant Heaters & Stacks
Trash Pumps (Gorman Rupp)
Tube Fittings:
  Stainless Steel
Valves & Misc. Parts:
Bottomless, Knife
Detector Check
Globe (Vogt)
Stainless Steel
Pipe Fittings & Restraints
Electrical ▼
Acrylic Diffusers
Air Conditioners (Comfortaire)
Alley Arm Braces (Joselyn)
Arrestors, Lighting (GE)
Bodies & Caps & Terminals (PLM Adalet)
Boxes, Outlet & Switch & Accessories (Raco)
Brackets, Street Lighting (Quigley)
Cable; URD
Circuit Breakers CIE)
Clamps, Ground (Blackburn)
  Split Bolt (Burndy)
  Line Splice (Fargo)
Contactors (ASCO)
Crossarms. Douglas Fir
Cutout Fuses
Exterior Lighting Materials (GE)
Globes, Street Lighting (Formed Plastics)
  Emergency & Automatic Transfer Switch (Dayton)
  Portable (Dayton)
Insulating Oil Insulators:
  Dead End (Salisbury)
Lanterns (Teledyne)
Light Fixtures & Tracking (Lightolier)
Limitron Fuses (Bussman)
Luminaires (Am Elec)
Machine Bolts (Joslyn)
Mast Arm End Fittings (Eagle)
Matting, Rubber Insulating
Mercury Switches (Mercoid)
Pedestal Bases (Pelco)
Poles, Utility
Potheads (PLM)
Refractors (American Holophane)
Relays, Small & Related Materials (Guardian)
Sign Support System, Cantilever (Signifix)
Splice Kits (PLM)
Switches, Oil﷓Filled Trinetics)
Standards, Steel, Street Lighting Anchor Base
Tape, Electrical (3M) (Plymouth)
Traffic Signal Parts (Eagle)
Transformers (Niagara)
Tubing, Heat Shrinkable (Raychem)
  Copper (TURN)
Wiremold Supplies
Tools & Related Material ▼
Axe, Single Bit (Plub)
Blades, Handsaw, Metal Cutting
Blades, Diamond Concrete
Cable Cutters (Klein)
Drills, Automatic Push (Stanley)
Drill Press (Milwaukee)
Drill & Saw (Milwaukee)
Drills, Electric (Milwaukee)
Explosive Disposal Units (Jensen)
Files, Mill
Frames, Hacksaw (Stanley)
Hammers, Ball Pein (Vaughn)
Hammers, Caulking Pneumatic
Hammers, Compaction (Soiltest)
Hammer Drill Kits (Bosch)
Hammers, Hand (Plumb)
Hammers, Machinist (Estwing)
Hammers, Sledge
Hoes, Garden (Ames)
Hole Saws (Black & Decker)
Ladders, Fiberglass
Ladders, Step
Ladders, Window Cleaning
Micrometer, Set, Inside (Starrett)
Micrometer, Set, Outside (Starrett)
  Combination (Crescent)
Rakes (Ames)
Ratchet Chain Puller (Duff Lynx)
Shears, Power (Milwaukee)
Saws, Abrasive (Kalamazoo)
Shovels: (Ames)
  Round Point
  Square Point
  Long Handle
Torches, PP gas (Bernomatic)
Welding & Cutting Outfits
Wheelbarrows (Ames)
Wrench Boxes (Bahco) Wrenches:
  Adjustable (Great Neck)
  Ratchet (Utica)
Yard Hand Tool
Appliances ▼

Residential & Commercial Appliances

Miscellaneous Supplies ▼
Award Metals, Clusters & Pins (Blackinton)
Blanks, Aluminum Sign
Breathing Air Cascade System
Boots, Rubber
Calcium Chloride Pellets
Coil Rudders, Trailer Mounted
Compressor, Portable; Rotary Screw
Computer Supplies
Controller, Level (Fisher)
Conversion Kits, Parking Meters
Diaries, Calendar Refills & Bases (Southworth)
Diesel Fuel Supplement & Flow Improver
Digital Scanner Modules
Document Shedder & Recording Tape
Electronic Surveillance Equipment
Enamel, Chrome Yellow
Enamel Paint
Falcon Locks & Parts
Fax Machine/ Phone
Fence Repairs
Filters, Air Duct Disposable
File Cabinets
Fire Hose
Floor Finish, Wax Type
Folding Machine & Inserter (Pitney Bowes)
Garbage Disposals
Gas Welding Equipment
Generator, Welding (Miller)
Gloves, Rubber Safety (White)
Hammers, Machinist (Estwing)
Harness, Shoulder Assembly
Hurst Rescue Tools
Hydraulic Cylinders
Incinerator Door Assembly, Cast Iron
Multi Hearth Incinerators
Jacks, Automotive, Misc.
Lamps, Photoflash, Photo Flood & Projection
Levels, Survey (Pentax)
Lumber & Plywood
Machine, Sewer Rodding, Truck-Mounted
Magnetic Locator
Masking & Duct Tape
Matting, Rubber Floor
Micro Computer Supplies
Odor Counteractant
Office Equipment & Supplies
Office Furniture
Oil-Mobil DIE
Ap Paper, Black
Paper, Reflectorized & Scotchlite Sheet
Paper Products
  Marking, Osha Safety Colors
  Spray Can, Various
Park-O-Meter Parts
Pea Pebble, Washed Aggregate
Pencil Carbons Pumps:
  Regenerative Turbine
Range, Gas, Commercial
Rotary Lawn Mower
Replacement Parts for 35 gallon Refuse (Rubbermaid)
Safety Signs (Seton)
Safety Traffic Cones
Service Bottled Water
Shovels, (Ames)
Suction Hoses (Boston)
Sweeping Compounds
Tapping Machines
Typewriters/Printers Ribbons
Wet Water Foam Fire Retardant
Weed Cutlets & Trimmers
Wipers, Disposable
Wiping Metals Wire Storage Containers
Wrenches, Adjustable Pipe (Stanley)
Water Meters Water Pumps
Miscellaneous Water Products:
  Paint Products & Textiles
  Industrial Supplies